Home / Services / Bellringing
All Saints have a magnificent set of 10 bells. Taylors of Loughborough installed a ring of 8 in 1901. The same firm added two trebles in 1920. All the bells were cast with flat tops.
We are part of the Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers, who visit other towers, take part in district events and competitions, have social occasions and ring for church services and other events at All Saints.
Once you have learnt to ring, there is a huge network that you can become involved with.
Ringing practices are 7.30-9.00pm on Mondays. Visitors who can ring are welcome.
Ringing for services is at 9.00-9.30am and 6.00-6.30pm on Sundays. Times for other services and events are as requested.
It costs nothing to ring bells and once you are competent, you even get paid for ringing at weddings!
Contact people:
Yvonne Cairns (Tower Captain) (0191) 2399346
Sarah Jackson (Ringing Master)