Regular Giving

Regular Giving by Direct Debit

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a secure and simple way of giving to All Saints on a regular monthly basis (or quarterly or annually if you prefer). It works by making a Direct Debit from your bank account on the 1st of the month, which is credited to [church]’s bank account by the 10th of the month. If eligible, you can opt to add Gift Aid and PGS claims this on our behalf, passing it back to All Saints which benefits our cash flow.

Optional Annual Increases

If you opt to increase your gift annually, PGS will write to you and advise you of the new amount. If this is acceptable you don’t need to do anything, but you can choose to add more or to decrease the amount if you wish. If the majority of our planned givers were to opt for this, it would have a huge impact on our finances. Like many churches, one of the problems we face is that of ‘static giving’, often through inertia rather than intention.

One-Off Giving

It is also possible to make a one-off gift online and

add Gift Aid if you are eligible. Instead of setting up a new Direct Debit, you can use a debit or credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Scan the QR code to get started.

Three ways you can set up a regular gift with PGS

  • Online at or simply scan the QR Code above
  • By phone: 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
  • By post using the application form at the back of church

You will need your bank details to set up the Direct Debit and, for phone or postal applications, All Saints unique parish code 250625092

Thank you for considering this option in your support of All Saints Gosforth